Ossie was educated in the St. Louis public school system andGraduated from Beaumont High School in 1978. I also sang as an alto in Beaumont’s ConcertChoir. I have always had a love for music and started singing at an early age in the church choirOne Sunday morning I stepped to the microphone to lead my first song. “God Wilted Soul”.The congregation looked on in amazement as this young girl bellowed out the notes of thisPowerful gospel song. Before I knew it, the congregation was on there feet clapping and praisingThe lord. Before long, the choir began to be recognized locally and through the Midwest. As weTravel, I began to lead more songs and people began to appreciate my soul-stirring, mellow,Sweet tones.Before long, I found myself in demand to sing at weddings, funerals and other special occasions.Soon after, I formed a group and we entered a talent show at a local high school with me singingLead we won first place. By this time, I was very comfortable performing and realized I enjoyedThe applause and attention.In (1992) I auditioned and became a back ground singer of the group Satin. Singing with SatinBroaden my experience and gave me the opportunity to sing at a variety of local engagements, aCruise ship, and at nationally recognized Fair St. Louis where I was privileged to share the stageWith Mary Wilson. I also shared the stage with Della Reese at the Lake Of The Ozark.Early one morning, in (2001) I drove to Springfield to audition for Star Search. I sang my heartOut and made the cut all the way to the semi-finals. In an effort to take my career in a newDirection, I formed the group “BITTER SWEET”. Which consist of a band, three back upSingers and me as the lead vocalist. So far we have only had the opportunity to perform locallyBut I am looking for bigger and better things from this group in the future.I enjoy variety of music, which includes Gospel, Rhythm and Blues, and Jazz. However, myFirst love is Gospel. Some of my favorite artist that have influenced my singing are, YolandaAdams, Patti LaBelle, Whitney Houston, and Luther Vandross. I am singer, songwriter and aMusician. I feel that the Lord has blessed me with a gift to sing and I have only scratched theSurface of my talents. With God’s continued guidance and the influence of talented people in
The entertainment field I can be a huge success. NO. I WILL BE A HUGE SUCCESS.